

The National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center (NHTTAC) is a service of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Trafficking in Persons. NHTTAC works to strengthen the public health response to human trafficking. We provide training and technical assistance to increase knowledge, skills, and partnerships to prevent forced labor and commercial sexual exploitation. 

NHTTAC is committed to building the capacity of practitioners, organizations, and communities to:

  • Increase identification and access to trauma-informed services for individuals who have experienced trafficking
  • Strengthen the short-, medium-, and long-term health and well-being of individuals and their families who have experienced trafficking or who are at risk of trafficking
  • Enhance the capacity of health care, behavioral health, public health, and social services to identify and respond appropriately to individuals who have experienced trafficking or who are at risk of trafficking
  • Reduce the individual, social, and institutional risk factors that contribute to human trafficking perpetration and victimization

Guiding Principles

Inclusive of All Types of Human Trafficking

Trauma-Informed and Person-Centered


Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate



Related News & Information

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According to a 2022 report by the International Labor Organization, Walk Free Foundation, and the International Organization for Migration, approximately 27.6 million people globally experienced labor trafficking in 2021.…

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person engaged on a video call with other child welfare professional smiling

Human trafficking disproportionately affects children and youth, in particular those who lack stable support networks or have been exposed to or are involved with the child welfare system. While these children and youth receive services or are placed…

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Collaboration in group meeting

Twelve initiatives led by survivors of human trafficking will receive up to $20,000 in federal funding, coaching and other support to strengthen community-based responses to human trafficking. Selected after a national call for innovative ideas, the Anti-Trafficking Leadership, Innovation and Sustainability (ATLIS) project builds the capacity of survivor-led organizations,…

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Technical Assistance

women chatting

We are not currently accepting any new requests for training or technical assistance as this time. Please check back to our website for opportunities in the future.

Our TA takes a public health approach and is:

  • Survivor-informed 
  • Tailored to each target audience’s needs
  • Collaborative and multidisciplinary
  • Location-specific to address targeted industries and populations, plus include services and potential interventions available in a particular area
  • Interactive with adult learning techniques
  • Evidence-based and results driven

Through virtual and in-person coaching, training, peer review, and strategic planning, we support practitioners, organizations, and communities in building a multidisciplinary referral network that effectively prevents and responds to human trafficking. Our TA improves knowledge and enhances skills of practitioners, supports the development and implementation of policies and protocols, and promotes collaboration across sectors to improve outcomes for individuals and communities affected by trafficking.

Working With Experts

woman talking

We partner with consultants who have professional and lived experience to develop and deliver training and TA. They include nationally recognized subject matter experts, survivor leaders, and others who represent a variety of experiences and backgrounds.

Expert consultants typically have at least 7 years of experience working in their field and are experienced in designing and delivering training and TA. Expert consultants may also be survivors of trafficking.

Survivor consultants typically bring 2–3 years of lived experience into training and TA. By applying their own experiences, they often help organizations learn ways to identify and respond to individuals affected by trafficking.

Eligible Recipients

Group of people with varying age and ethnicities

The trainings are intended for:

  • Advocacy organizations
  • Behavioral health and substance use professionals
  • Child welfare or runaway and homeless youth practitioners
  • Medical service providers
  • Private, not-for-profits (including faith- and community-based organizations), direct services providers
  • Federal, state, local, city, and tribal government agencies
  • Public health professionals
  • Violence prevention agencies
  • Volunteer service centers that provide support to trafficking survivors or populations at risk of human trafficking

If federal grantees apply for support, NHTTAC will contact the granting office to confirm eligibility and coordinate efforts. Agencies with needs related to the criminal justice system should apply to the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office for Victims of Crime Training and Technical Assistance Center.

Contact Us

Monday–Friday, 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. Eastern
We will respond within 1 business day.

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