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The objective of this literature review and annotated bibliography is to identify significant research on ACEs and social determinants of health found in at-risk populations, including children in and aging out of foster care, runaway and homeless youth, unaccompanied children (UC), Indigenous youth, and rural and urban youth. The goal of this literature review is to inform trafficking prevention efforts by leveraging knowledge gained from existing research. After the conclusion of the literature review, an annotated bibliography is provided with a synopsis of 33 relevant articles published between 2000 to 2017 from various disciplines, including psychology, youth studies, public health, and health care.


The Human Trafficking Community Readiness Guide was created by a diverse group of subject matter experts, including individuals with lived experience, with the intention to strengthen community readiness in anti-trafficking work. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how communities can assess their current efforts and develop sustainable strategies based on their level of readiness. This guide will help community providers and organizations create an effective, coordinated, multidisciplinary, and tailored approach to identify and respond to trafficking in your unique community.


The Human Trafficking Programming During Disasters and Emergencies Fact Sheets are meant for emergency managers and service providers to easily access information to help prevent trafficking and continue operations during disasters and emergencies.

The fact sheets are:


Individuals who experience human trafficking often experience a lack of long-term employment and a livable wage, wage theft, and illegal deductions from their paycheck. Providing better access to employment is critical, because the lack of stable employment and a livable wage put individuals at risk of being trafficked. The Programs for Increasing Access to Employment Environmental Scan Outline and Brief describe programs, practices, barriers to employment, potential solutions, and outcomes for those who have participated in employment programs.

Employment Environmental Scan

Employment Environmental Scan Fact Sheet


Individuals who experience human trafficking often struggle to find safe and secure housing. Providing individuals who experience trafficking immediate access to emergency, transitional, and long-term housing is critical, because homelessness and housing instability put individuals at risk of being trafficked or experiencing other forms of interpersonal violence.  The Housing Programs for Individuals Experiencing Housing Instability or Homelessness Environmental Scan and Brief explore housing programs and practices, barriers to housing, outcomes of adults and youth experiencing housing instability or homelessness who participated in housing programs, and potential solutions to housing barriers.

Housing Programs Environmental Scan

Housing Programs Environmental Scan Fact Sheet


Implicit bias impacts the way we make decisions, interact with others, and behave. Research shows that implicit bias is associated with the provision of lower quality health care, unequal disciplinary action in schools, discriminatory workplace practices, and racial disparity in criminal justice responses. Thus, it is important to be aware of and strive to reduce implicit bias to ensure that our decisions, interactions, and behaviors are fair and nondiscriminatory. The Implicit Bias Trainings Environmental Scan and Brief explores existing healthcare and social service implicit bias trainings, challenges and solutions associated with implementing implicit bias training, and evaluations of trainings.

This scan focuses specifically on understanding existing implicit bias trainings amongst populations impacted by human trafficking (e.g., race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation) and not solely implicit bias trainings associated with race and ethnicity. It is not the intent of this scan to explore the definition of implicit bias and the relationship between implicit bias, racism, historical context of racism, and structural inequality. See the “Potential Next Steps” section for an overview of opportunities to explore the topic of implicit bias trainings, racism, and structural inequality further given how conflated the terminology is across trainings.  

Implicit Bias Trainings Environmental Scan

Implicit Bias Trainings Environmental Scan Brief


La hoja informativa de visa T, U y Presencia Continua explica los beneficios públicos disponibles para los beneficiarios. Su propósito es aumentar comprensión acerca del empleo, la educación superior y la elegibilidad para recibir beneficios públicos.

Hoja informativa sobre la visa T, U y Presencia Continua


In September 2018, the National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center hosted a convening on behalf of the Office on Trafficking in Persons and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. The objective of the convening was to pull together a variety of human trafficking experts and disaster response experts in order to learn about the intersection between the two, share best practices, identify gaps, leverage existing resources, and develop an outline for a multisector tool focusing on holistically protecting individuals from postdisaster trafficking. These are the minutes to the convening.  

Human Trafficking and Disaster Response Convening Meeting Minutes


These two fact sheets are meant for emergency managers or anyone working in a disaster area. They help professionals understand increased risks and signs of human trafficking during disasters, and how professionals may prepare for a response to trafficking during a disaster.  

The What Disaster Responders Need to Do fact sheet was created by the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR). The What Disaster Responders Need to Know fact sheet was developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office on Trafficking in Persons through the National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center in partnership with ASPR.  


What Disaster Responders Need to Know

What Disaster Responders Need to Do


These recommendations were developed by fellows of Class 6 of the Human Trafficking Leadership Academy (HTLA), a fellowship organized by the National Human Trafficking Training and Technical Assistance Center and Coro Northern California. A team of allied professionals and survivor leaders worked together to respond to the following question “How can communities assess and respond to risk factors among migratory families in order to reduce vulnerabilities and prevent labor trafficking?”

The HTLA fellowship is funded by the Office on Trafficking in Persons (OTIP) in consultation with the Office on Women’s Health (OWH) at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The recommendations and content of this report do not necessarily represent the views of OTIP, OWH, or HHS. 

HTLA Class 6 Recommendations Report
